December 17, 2011

Christmas Cookies


Today was the first day of our Christmas break and we drove to meet Joey and Katie to pick up the girls for a few days and give their mommy, daddy, mawmaw and pawpaw a few days off while we get lots of baby loving on the coast. The boys called about the minute we walked in the door and biked over to our house. This is really going to be an advantage when they move into the Kingsberry house.
We decided to decorate the cookies that Meme made today. For some reason, my red icing turned out pink, but that is okay, because it is Josie's favorite color. Now we are just kicking back, eating cookies and playing with the girls. The boys went home but Jennifer is here now. Seems like we keep a pretty full house when the girls come.
Tomorrow we are going to attempt to take both girls to mass and make a gingerbread house. Will let you know how that turns out. I love this no-stress feeling and think this next two weeks is going to fly by way too fast.

December 12, 2011

Can't Wait....

This is the last week of school before Christmas holidays. We are busy taking district assessments, finishing up projects, making art projects and trying to have a little fun. The kids are very excited, which makes it vey hard to keep them focused on those things that have to be done. I know how they feel.
This weekend Joey went hunting and I went up to Hattiesburg and spent the night. It was so nice to spend a little time with them and Josie was all about Deedy. I don't think she has every been so excited about me being up there. They were coming down with a cold, but even with colds they are so happy, which makes me happy.
Glenn is busy at work too. He has even been working on Saturday. He is getting two weeks off at Christmas and we are going to spend some lazy time on Fulton Avenue. The girls are coming down before Christmas and I plan to get the boys to come over and show Josie the ropes on decorating cookies. I have to finish up my shopping and make candy with my sister. I have promised my mom to spend some time with her and promised to take my mother-in-law to Carthage to handle some business and see a few friends. Glenn plans on hunting a few days and we are keeping our fingers crossed that we can possibly get away for a few days of R & R. I am not sure if two weeks is enough time to squeeze all those activities into, but I plan on giving it a try. I plan on making some memories and I can't wait.

December 3, 2011

Our Football All-Star

For those of you who have known me a long time, you are aware that football is like a 4 letter word. I have always hated football. In high school, the only reason I went was because I was part of the half-time festivities. In college, I went to 1 football game....ONE. Well, today I went because I wanted to see Fisher, #70, strut his stuff at the All-Star game. He is one good football player and I am sure that one day we might have to watch him on Monday night. I don't mind, as long as I can still get a hug after the game.

November 19, 2011

I Am Thankful for....

the people in my life parents who raised me to be who I am family who loves me, even when I am sometimes unloveable husband children and their spouses who love them four beautiful grandchildren friends who are so loyal and true
my home country that allows me to worship, grow and be educated
....the beautiful house car because it makes life easy
things that help and hair straighteners...they really make a talents that let me be creative.
....more than one television....because I live with two people who could watch football 24 hours a day that have allowed us to have a comfortable life
....the seasons that change...although my favorite is Spring, I love them all.
....the water and sand between my toes. eyesight that allow me to see my family, flowers, butterflies, and rainbows. hearing that allows me to hear my babies and music that touches my heart memories that allow me to relive and remember special times
....and most of all, my God , who without him, none of the other things I am thankful for would be possible.

October 23, 2011

30 Years and Counting

Glenn and I have recently celebrated our anniversary.....30 years. We have been so busy living and working, that I actually forgot to post anything on the blog, but we did celebrate the occasion and pray we are blessed to spend many more anniversaries together. We look so young in this picture and it seems so long ago, but we have been blessed without measure the last 30 years. I don't know about Glenn, but I can speak for myself. We have had our share of trials, but if I could do it over again.....I would!!!!

September 25, 2011

The Girls

Joey and Katie asked us to come to Hattiesburg this weekend and stay with the girls while they went to the Saints game. I jumped at the chance and looked forward to our visit all week long. I really enjoyed being there with them for the weekend. I am amazed at how smart my granddaughters are.
Colbie is only 3 months old and I am convinced she was talking to me. She coos and laughs and has such a sweet little personality. She is one happy baby!!!
Josie is one smart cookie. She can sing a lot of songs, can count to 10 and can count items up to 10, can identify all the animals on "Lion King", and reads books to us. It is obvious that her mom and dad must read these books over and She has potty trained herself this week because she wanted to wear big girl panties. Of course I took her shopping to buy some fancy panties, but we aren't going to share pictures of those or of the potty. However, we do have some cute pictures of her hanging out with us. This one here is a heads up for Joey and Katie. She likes her cars and she likes them to move fast.
My favorite picture of the weekend is of Josie kissing her baby sister. She is so in love with Colbie now and Colbie just smiles and coos back at Josie. I am one proud grandmother.

September 20, 2011

Happy Birthday Mom and Lots of PF Chang

While Daddy was sick, I stayed close to Pascagoula, but several weeks before he passed away, my sister Sandy came down and insisted that I get away for the weekend. It was around my mom's birthday and my sister Christi invited all of us to stay at her condo in Destin for a girl's weekend, which was sorely needed. Thank you Christi for your hospitality.
I am sad to say that only one picture was taken that weekend and it was of me on the couch with bed hair, curled up watching a movie and I don't think anyone is interested of seeing that picture. We never even put on a bathing suit, but that was what made it so enjoyable. We just laid around, watched movies on tv and went for rides on the golf cart. We did go out to eat (twice) to PF Changs. That is my new favorite restaurant thanks to my sister. Moma isn't into oriental food, but she was a trooper and went anyway. She wasn't too keen on the food, but even she admitted that the appetizers and dessert were awesome.
I had promised Mom we would spend some quality time together this summer while I was out on vacation, and then Daddy was diagnosed with cancer. I wasn't able to keep my promise, but she understood. So, even though I am late, I want to wish my mother a happy birthday. I love you bunches!!!!!

September 18, 2011

My Daddy

Aug 4, 1940 - Sept. 7, 2011
My daddy passed away on September 7th after a short battle with cancer. Although it was only three months, watching a loved one grow weaker every day is so hard. Many of my friends and family have lost their fathers at an early age, but I don't think it really matters how old you are, the loss is enormous. My daddy had been ill for a while, but he always tried to protect me. One example is that he waited to tell me he wasn't feeling well because he didn't want to worry me while I was still in school. By the time they diagnosed his cancer, it had metastized. I am so thankful that he moved to Pascagoula before Katrina, because it gave us the opportunity to get closer and I was able to help him stay at home to live and die the way he wanted.
Thank you to my many friends and family who lifted me up during this time. There were lots of tears and lots of laughter. We made the best of a bad situation and I know that I could not have done it without your love and your prayers.
My daddy taught me many things throughout my life, but the lasting legacy I have received from him was how to accept the inevitable with grace.
I will always miss you and love you Daddy

July 17, 2011

Beginnings and Endings

This weekend I was surprised to have Joey, Katie, and the babies come to Pascagoula. I was expecting Joey and Josie because they were coming to the wedding, which I will get to later. However, Katie and Colbie tagged along and we had the whole Hattiesburg crew here on Kingsberry Avenue. My sister Sandy also surprised me by coming down and giving me a hand with my Dad for the weekend. It worked out perfectly because I got to spend a little time with the babies. Jennifer decided to babysit while we went to the wedding Saturday night so she could get lots of baby love.
Now on to the beginnings and Mr. and Mrs. David Cunningham!!!!We were honored to gather with friends and family this weekend to celebrate the marriage of our friends, David and Bernie. They are a cute couple and are now officially hitched. We had a blast at the wedding, with Mother Nature even cooperating. Here is a picture that Joey snapped of us at the reception. I had a pretty good looking date if you ask me.
Although I didn't get a picture of the bride and groom that night, I will just let you know that they both looked happier and more beautiful and handsome than in the picture above, which was taken just a month ago. I know that they will have a lifetime of happiness as they grow old together.
The endings have to do with summer.....I am down to two weeks before I have to get back into the grind. I am dreading the end of lazy summer days, not that there have been many of them this year. The next two weeks are going to be filled with last minute appointments, cleaning house, getting my grandsons to let me take their pictures, making plans, and squeezing out a few hours of each day to spend with loved ones. I usually have my classroom all organized by this time, but unfortunately, our school was painted this summer. As of Friday, my room is suppose to be ready. I will probably be spending too many hours there getting the room set up so that I will not be so crazy when school starts. Of course, with every ending, there is a new beginning. I am looking forward to the new school year.

July 6, 2011

Busy 4th of July Weekend

Now that I am older, it seems like time flies. We have been a busy family and this past weekend was no exception. My sisters and their familes came to Pascagoula for a small family reunion and to spend some time with my daddy. On last count, we had 24 of us for lunch on Sunday. Thanks to all those who helped cook the delicious food and make the weekend a great success. The big kids and the little kids had a great time.
On the 4th, Josie and I made a quick trip to Ocean Springs and took a little dip in Aunt Christi's pool. Josie hasn't been feeling too chipper lately, so we had to make sure she didn't get water in her ears, but she loves "wimming" and cried when we told her it was time to go home. Not to worry, Aunt Christi has already invited Josie to come back on her next trip. We went back to PaPaw's house for ice cream cones and watermelon. Then it was time to go to bed. Deedy was worn out!!!
Joey and Katie insisted on the return of Josie, so Tuesday I drove her back to Hattiesburg and spent the night loving on her new little sister. Josie didn't mind me playing with Colbie as long as she had her mom and dad's undivided attention. I really don't think she understands this big sister thing. She loves Colbie and talked about her all the way home, but she isn't ready to share her mom and dad. Josie went to school Wednesday morning and Colbie let me take her picture a few times. I definitely will not be quiting my teaching job to take baby pictures. I got a few good ones, but I am waiting for Katie to post the ones she wants to use. However, I do want to share my favorite of the girls together.

June 26, 2011

June 22, 2011

June 22nd ranks with one of the most memorable days of my life. Colbie Grace Rivers was born with a head full of dark hair. I have no doubt that it will turn blond, as all of my grandchildren are light haired, but for today she has beautiful black hair. Of course she is beautiful, but I never doubted otherwise. The birth of a new baby in the family is a beautiful time and we are all so happy to have her join us. Josie Kate is going to be a great big sister.
On this same day, the doctor brought in hospice for my daddy. My daddy has decided to not take treatments for his cancer, and I understand his reasons and respect them. However, I also know that I am losing my daddy. He has been through so much, especially since Hurricane Katrina. Please keep him in your prayers as we make this journey.
I know that God sent this little bundle of sunshine to help us.

June 19, 2011

Father's Day and Birthday Wishes

Today is Father's Day and Jennifer's birthday, so we have had a pretty exciting weekend. Glenn swears that Jennifer was a pretty awesome Father's Day gift and I have to agree.
Friday, the Taylor crew and I took Lee and Mom to breakfast for an early Father's Day celebration. I had to borrow one of Christi's pictures because I left my camera at home. We had a great time catching up and spending some quality time together.
My sister, Sandy, and her daughter, Caitlyn, came down to surprise Daddy. I really think we pulled one over him. He enjoyed the day watching the race with his girls and I cooked a special dinner for him.
I want to wish all the special men in my life a Happy Father's Day. You make the world a better place because you do such a good job being a father. If there were more father's like you, the world would be a better place.
So have a great Father's Day and hug those special men in your life.

June 7, 2011

Colbie Grace

I am excitedly anticipating the birth of our 4th grandchild and our 2nd granddaughter, who will be named Colbie Grace. I have made her a rag quilt and I believe it turned out pretty good. I can't wait to cuddle up with her under her new quilt.

Josie went home to Hattiesburg and it seems very quiet around this house. I know her mom and dad were glad to get her home and she was ready to see them too.

Hunter and Fisher are through with baseball season and they have a new addition to their family, Miss Roxie. She is cute as a button and I know that she will not be spoiled one little bit. I am putting my name on the list to babysit.

My dad was diagnosed with cancer this week. I am so thankful for my friends and family for being there with us as we travel down this road. Please keep us in your prayers.

June 2, 2011


I spent Wednesday with all of the grandkids swimming. The boys had a blast taking pictures with my waterproof camera. Even though they are almost grown, they can manage to hang with Deedy for a little while.

Josie kept Jennifer and me busy catching her. She was ready to jump before we could stop her.

We had a great time just being lazy and cooling off in the pool.

May 30, 2011

Summer is Finally Here!!!

Seems like I stay so busy during the school year that I can't take the time to enjoy the things I love. Well, this year I decided that I was going to get organized this summer. My birthday is in May and ever since Glenn's mother moved in with us, my sewing room became a dump. I dumped all of the stuff I had stored in her room in there, all the stuff I brought home from school for the summer, and all the other stuff that didn't have a place. Last weekend I got two sets of shelves and lots of baskets for my birthday. I have purged and organized what was left. I have to say that I am very proud of the end result. Now I am ready to be creative.

Joey and Katie are nesting this weekend and getting ready for Colbie's arrival. Josie Kate came to stay with me for the week and we are having a blast. Pa has spent the weekend with us, but he goes back to work tomorrow. We sure are going to miss him.