July 6, 2011

Busy 4th of July Weekend

Now that I am older, it seems like time flies. We have been a busy family and this past weekend was no exception. My sisters and their familes came to Pascagoula for a small family reunion and to spend some time with my daddy. On last count, we had 24 of us for lunch on Sunday. Thanks to all those who helped cook the delicious food and make the weekend a great success. The big kids and the little kids had a great time.
On the 4th, Josie and I made a quick trip to Ocean Springs and took a little dip in Aunt Christi's pool. Josie hasn't been feeling too chipper lately, so we had to make sure she didn't get water in her ears, but she loves "wimming" and cried when we told her it was time to go home. Not to worry, Aunt Christi has already invited Josie to come back on her next trip. We went back to PaPaw's house for ice cream cones and watermelon. Then it was time to go to bed. Deedy was worn out!!!
Joey and Katie insisted on the return of Josie, so Tuesday I drove her back to Hattiesburg and spent the night loving on her new little sister. Josie didn't mind me playing with Colbie as long as she had her mom and dad's undivided attention. I really don't think she understands this big sister thing. She loves Colbie and talked about her all the way home, but she isn't ready to share her mom and dad. Josie went to school Wednesday morning and Colbie let me take her picture a few times. I definitely will not be quiting my teaching job to take baby pictures. I got a few good ones, but I am waiting for Katie to post the ones she wants to use. However, I do want to share my favorite of the girls together.

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