June 19, 2011

Father's Day and Birthday Wishes

Today is Father's Day and Jennifer's birthday, so we have had a pretty exciting weekend. Glenn swears that Jennifer was a pretty awesome Father's Day gift and I have to agree.
Friday, the Taylor crew and I took Lee and Mom to breakfast for an early Father's Day celebration. I had to borrow one of Christi's pictures because I left my camera at home. We had a great time catching up and spending some quality time together.
My sister, Sandy, and her daughter, Caitlyn, came down to surprise Daddy. I really think we pulled one over him. He enjoyed the day watching the race with his girls and I cooked a special dinner for him.
I want to wish all the special men in my life a Happy Father's Day. You make the world a better place because you do such a good job being a father. If there were more father's like you, the world would be a better place.
So have a great Father's Day and hug those special men in your life.

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