September 25, 2011

The Girls

Joey and Katie asked us to come to Hattiesburg this weekend and stay with the girls while they went to the Saints game. I jumped at the chance and looked forward to our visit all week long. I really enjoyed being there with them for the weekend. I am amazed at how smart my granddaughters are.
Colbie is only 3 months old and I am convinced she was talking to me. She coos and laughs and has such a sweet little personality. She is one happy baby!!!
Josie is one smart cookie. She can sing a lot of songs, can count to 10 and can count items up to 10, can identify all the animals on "Lion King", and reads books to us. It is obvious that her mom and dad must read these books over and She has potty trained herself this week because she wanted to wear big girl panties. Of course I took her shopping to buy some fancy panties, but we aren't going to share pictures of those or of the potty. However, we do have some cute pictures of her hanging out with us. This one here is a heads up for Joey and Katie. She likes her cars and she likes them to move fast.
My favorite picture of the weekend is of Josie kissing her baby sister. She is so in love with Colbie now and Colbie just smiles and coos back at Josie. I am one proud grandmother.

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