June 26, 2011

June 22, 2011

June 22nd ranks with one of the most memorable days of my life. Colbie Grace Rivers was born with a head full of dark hair. I have no doubt that it will turn blond, as all of my grandchildren are light haired, but for today she has beautiful black hair. Of course she is beautiful, but I never doubted otherwise. The birth of a new baby in the family is a beautiful time and we are all so happy to have her join us. Josie Kate is going to be a great big sister.
On this same day, the doctor brought in hospice for my daddy. My daddy has decided to not take treatments for his cancer, and I understand his reasons and respect them. However, I also know that I am losing my daddy. He has been through so much, especially since Hurricane Katrina. Please keep him in your prayers as we make this journey.
I know that God sent this little bundle of sunshine to help us.

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