March 24, 2013

My Favorite Time of the Year

My favorite season of the year is Spring.  Everything is starting to turn green and the weather is comfortable....Not too hot and not too cold.  Back in the day, I would play in the dirt and spend a fortune at Lowes on plants and potting soil.  Because I can't handle spending days on end in the yard weeding and watering, this year all plants are on the patio or around the patio.  My mother-in-law and her good friend Mary helped get the planters ready.  My grandson cleaned up the patio and the finished project makes me want to sit out there all day.  Harley loves it too. 
This plant survived winter and this is about the 4th bloom.  I love the color.

This time of year also brings baseball season.  Baseball has always been an important part of our lives.  My husband actually spent our wedding night watching the playoffs.  Our son played baseball through college and now our grandsons are continuing the tradition.  Fisher's league has already started and he began the season with a grand slam.  He has hit another homerun since then and this is only his 4th game.  Hunter's season starts later. 

The water is down at the camp now and we have spent some time up there.  There is a really comfortable leather lounge chair there that Harley and I fight over.  I can't wait for the sandbar to make its appearance.  I miss looking out there and seeing it.  Also, when it reappears, I know the girls will be ready to come.  Of course, Hunter is game for fishing anytime.  He caught a 22 lb catfish last month.
Josie and Colbie came to see us last weekend and we took them to a wedding.  Josie was so observant, commenting on the bouquet and dress.  At the beginning of the reception, she asked when they were getting married and I told her they were married.  She replied "But they haven't danced".  I have a feeling that Josie is already planning her wedding.  Joey needs to be working on the wedding fund...

Here we are with our good friends at the wedding.  Josie was being bashful and upset that I wouldn't hold her.  She doesn't understand why I can't.

Josie and Colbie are so much fun to watch in the tub.  They play so good together and are so happy.  The only downside is that the walls, floors and whoever happens to be in there with them are sure to be soaked.  They are growing up so fast.

Life is good at our house. 


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