March 7, 2013

Glenn turned 60 on February 28th

Happy birthday Glenn!!!  This year, Glenn and his buddies turned 60.  We celebrated with Fearon and his family a few weeks ago and then we went to the Hard Rock this past weekend to celebrate Glenn's birthday.  David turned 60 on March 1st so it was a double celebration  The Jenne's, the Cunninghams, and the Mays joined us and we had a blast.  We had a lot of fun and ate way too much good food.

Friday night we all met up at Mikey's in Ocean Springs and had dinner.  Then we saw Travis Tritt in concert.  He put on a great show as usual.  Of course we had to play a little, but by 11 we were in our rooms for the night.  We had a big king sized bed and windows that were blocked out so we slept in late (for us) the next morning

Saturday we met up with everybody at the Schooner for lunch.  Afterwards the the guys headed to Sports Academy and the girls (with David in tow) headed to the Garden Show at the Coliseum.  We all bought a few plants and then the guys came to get David and the girls headed to the mall.  Ellen and I were dragging and so we decided to go back to the Casino to take a nap.  When the guys returned, we all hung out in the room for a while.  Of course, we had to mess with Joey so we were constantly sending him pictures.  So glad my baby boy is a good sport.  After everybody got freshened up, we headed down to the casino to play until 7, when we met up for dinner.  I think everybody enjoyed the crab legs.  We had fun till late in the night.

Sunday morning we checked out and returned to the real world.  We had boarded Harley and I was going to leave her there until we got unpacked because she is always so helpful.  I missed her so much I went ahead and got her, but I didn't have to worry.  She was so exhausted from playing with her buddies at Karen's that she slept the rest of the day and into the next.

We had a great time and agreed that we will definitely do it again soon. 

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