September 25, 2011

The Girls

Joey and Katie asked us to come to Hattiesburg this weekend and stay with the girls while they went to the Saints game. I jumped at the chance and looked forward to our visit all week long. I really enjoyed being there with them for the weekend. I am amazed at how smart my granddaughters are.
Colbie is only 3 months old and I am convinced she was talking to me. She coos and laughs and has such a sweet little personality. She is one happy baby!!!
Josie is one smart cookie. She can sing a lot of songs, can count to 10 and can count items up to 10, can identify all the animals on "Lion King", and reads books to us. It is obvious that her mom and dad must read these books over and She has potty trained herself this week because she wanted to wear big girl panties. Of course I took her shopping to buy some fancy panties, but we aren't going to share pictures of those or of the potty. However, we do have some cute pictures of her hanging out with us. This one here is a heads up for Joey and Katie. She likes her cars and she likes them to move fast.
My favorite picture of the weekend is of Josie kissing her baby sister. She is so in love with Colbie now and Colbie just smiles and coos back at Josie. I am one proud grandmother.

September 20, 2011

Happy Birthday Mom and Lots of PF Chang

While Daddy was sick, I stayed close to Pascagoula, but several weeks before he passed away, my sister Sandy came down and insisted that I get away for the weekend. It was around my mom's birthday and my sister Christi invited all of us to stay at her condo in Destin for a girl's weekend, which was sorely needed. Thank you Christi for your hospitality.
I am sad to say that only one picture was taken that weekend and it was of me on the couch with bed hair, curled up watching a movie and I don't think anyone is interested of seeing that picture. We never even put on a bathing suit, but that was what made it so enjoyable. We just laid around, watched movies on tv and went for rides on the golf cart. We did go out to eat (twice) to PF Changs. That is my new favorite restaurant thanks to my sister. Moma isn't into oriental food, but she was a trooper and went anyway. She wasn't too keen on the food, but even she admitted that the appetizers and dessert were awesome.
I had promised Mom we would spend some quality time together this summer while I was out on vacation, and then Daddy was diagnosed with cancer. I wasn't able to keep my promise, but she understood. So, even though I am late, I want to wish my mother a happy birthday. I love you bunches!!!!!

September 18, 2011

My Daddy

Aug 4, 1940 - Sept. 7, 2011
My daddy passed away on September 7th after a short battle with cancer. Although it was only three months, watching a loved one grow weaker every day is so hard. Many of my friends and family have lost their fathers at an early age, but I don't think it really matters how old you are, the loss is enormous. My daddy had been ill for a while, but he always tried to protect me. One example is that he waited to tell me he wasn't feeling well because he didn't want to worry me while I was still in school. By the time they diagnosed his cancer, it had metastized. I am so thankful that he moved to Pascagoula before Katrina, because it gave us the opportunity to get closer and I was able to help him stay at home to live and die the way he wanted.
Thank you to my many friends and family who lifted me up during this time. There were lots of tears and lots of laughter. We made the best of a bad situation and I know that I could not have done it without your love and your prayers.
My daddy taught me many things throughout my life, but the lasting legacy I have received from him was how to accept the inevitable with grace.
I will always miss you and love you Daddy