December 17, 2011

Christmas Cookies


Today was the first day of our Christmas break and we drove to meet Joey and Katie to pick up the girls for a few days and give their mommy, daddy, mawmaw and pawpaw a few days off while we get lots of baby loving on the coast. The boys called about the minute we walked in the door and biked over to our house. This is really going to be an advantage when they move into the Kingsberry house.
We decided to decorate the cookies that Meme made today. For some reason, my red icing turned out pink, but that is okay, because it is Josie's favorite color. Now we are just kicking back, eating cookies and playing with the girls. The boys went home but Jennifer is here now. Seems like we keep a pretty full house when the girls come.
Tomorrow we are going to attempt to take both girls to mass and make a gingerbread house. Will let you know how that turns out. I love this no-stress feeling and think this next two weeks is going to fly by way too fast.

December 12, 2011

Can't Wait....

This is the last week of school before Christmas holidays. We are busy taking district assessments, finishing up projects, making art projects and trying to have a little fun. The kids are very excited, which makes it vey hard to keep them focused on those things that have to be done. I know how they feel.
This weekend Joey went hunting and I went up to Hattiesburg and spent the night. It was so nice to spend a little time with them and Josie was all about Deedy. I don't think she has every been so excited about me being up there. They were coming down with a cold, but even with colds they are so happy, which makes me happy.
Glenn is busy at work too. He has even been working on Saturday. He is getting two weeks off at Christmas and we are going to spend some lazy time on Fulton Avenue. The girls are coming down before Christmas and I plan to get the boys to come over and show Josie the ropes on decorating cookies. I have to finish up my shopping and make candy with my sister. I have promised my mom to spend some time with her and promised to take my mother-in-law to Carthage to handle some business and see a few friends. Glenn plans on hunting a few days and we are keeping our fingers crossed that we can possibly get away for a few days of R & R. I am not sure if two weeks is enough time to squeeze all those activities into, but I plan on giving it a try. I plan on making some memories and I can't wait.

December 3, 2011

Our Football All-Star

For those of you who have known me a long time, you are aware that football is like a 4 letter word. I have always hated football. In high school, the only reason I went was because I was part of the half-time festivities. In college, I went to 1 football game....ONE. Well, today I went because I wanted to see Fisher, #70, strut his stuff at the All-Star game. He is one good football player and I am sure that one day we might have to watch him on Monday night. I don't mind, as long as I can still get a hug after the game.