May 30, 2011

Summer is Finally Here!!!

Seems like I stay so busy during the school year that I can't take the time to enjoy the things I love. Well, this year I decided that I was going to get organized this summer. My birthday is in May and ever since Glenn's mother moved in with us, my sewing room became a dump. I dumped all of the stuff I had stored in her room in there, all the stuff I brought home from school for the summer, and all the other stuff that didn't have a place. Last weekend I got two sets of shelves and lots of baskets for my birthday. I have purged and organized what was left. I have to say that I am very proud of the end result. Now I am ready to be creative.

Joey and Katie are nesting this weekend and getting ready for Colbie's arrival. Josie Kate came to stay with me for the week and we are having a blast. Pa has spent the weekend with us, but he goes back to work tomorrow. We sure are going to miss him.